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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

DIY VapoRub

DIY VapoRub

Being crafty is fun so DIY your VapoRub since VicksVapoRub causes problems. Research published in the peer-reviewed journal of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), found that it can  interfere with the ability of infants and toddlers to breathe. Click on' Vicks VapoRub causes problems' to read the article. 

There is more than one Eucalyptus Oil to use. Which one will you choose?

 Click here:Pat Brown ID# 1557435

to order your young living essential oils message me or go to & click on the wholesale button. My Independent distributor # is 1557435 which goes in the sponsor and enroller boxes. Scroll down and click on the Premium Starter Kit (best value - about 1/2 price). You get 11 oils, a diffuser, and samples. However, you will need to order a bottle of Eucalyptus since it doesn't come in the kit. Continue to scroll down under the PSK  until you get to the Essenial Rewards kits. You can skip this step for now by clicking on the No, thank you button. Agree to Terms & Conditions. Be sure and Confirm your order. Before checking out you can order your Eucalyptus. When your oils come in you are ready to mix up your own VapoRub.  I like DIY. 
My neighbor likes Vicks VapoRub. I think I'll DIY some for her as well as my family.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor & the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Pease consult your doctor or a health care practioner before usingany natural or commercial remedies.

2015 Goals

Goals for 2015

 One of my goals is to be able to create great graphics like this.

Thank you LemonDropper for creating it. 
Pat Brown ID# 1557435

  Goals are important. Every year I make a New Year's resolution, but I don't seem to be able to keep it. 2015 will be different because I shall set some goals and reach them with the help of Young Living oils. Looks like I have several of these oils already to help me reach my 2015 goals. Click on my name & ID# to find out how to get your oils and reach your 2015 goals.

  1. 2015 goals here I come. 
  2.  I don't know about you, but I need to loose a few pounds that found me during Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
  3.  I'm a member of TRTA (Texas Retired Teacher Assoc.); it encourages volunteering. Don't be a couch potato, go help someone - there are many ways: food, card, phone call, visit, Pink Lady at the hospital, read to/with someone, Titus County Cares, local organizations, Young Living, and the list goes on. Also, we help others when we share knowledge and oils. 
  4. I don't smoke, but it's good to know what oils may help a person quit. However, we are occasionally exposed to second hand smoke.
  5. My motto as a teacher is that you never stop learning, and I haven't. Do you know everything there is to know about Young Living Oils? I don't, but it surely is fun and interesting learning about them. Guess what. We are all teachers!
  6. When I retired, someone told me not to retire, but to redirect. What better direction than Young Living?
    Click here; Pat Brown ID# 1557435
  7. I'm pretty sure we all enjoy saving money. Aren't you glad Young Living has an Essential Rewards program to help you save money, earn free oils, and earn points to save up for more free products? Wow! Thank you Young Living. 
  8. Anybody have a stress free life? I don't, so we can surely put those oils to good use.
  9. Hoo Boy, do I feel miserable when I overindulge in sweets. I get the do nothings and feel blah - and my clothes shrink. Not a happy camper. Definitely need to eat healthier and get fit. The kiddos gave my husband an exercise bike for Father's Day. I think I hear it calling my name. I wonder if I can scoot the seat up and type while I'm riding. Maybe not, but I'll bet I can read - lots of great reading to learn more about Young Living. I'll have to figure out how to scoot the seat up first - maybe get a big cushioned tractor seat. I'll let you know how it works out.
    Click here: Pat Brown ID# 1557435
  10. Aargh. (I looked up on  - see you never stop learning. LOL) Anyway, that is how I feel about reducing debt - aargh. Sometimes it seems impossible, but We Can Do It. Are you with me? One way is by getting your oils wholesale instead of retail. 
  11. Are you ready to Take A Vacation???? After all, all work and no play isn't good for you. We must remember, though, that all play and no work isn't good for you either. So, strike a happy balance and go for the goal of a fantastic vacation. Ecuador or France anyone? You can also take your pick from farms in Peru, Israel, Oman, Taiwan, or four in the United States.
2014 has been an eventful year - looking forward to 2015 and reaching my goals.
Click the link below to begin reaching your 2015 goals.
click here: Pat Brown ID# =1557435

click here: Pat Brown ID# =1557435
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor & the statements on this blog have not been evalluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Peppermint Isn't Just for Candy Any More.

Don't you just love to see a bowl of peppermint candy so you can grab a piece after you have indulged yourself at the table? Or, at Christmas time, have the children decorate a candy cane to look like a reindeer with googly eyes and pipe cleaner antlers to hang on the tree? I do.  However, Peppermint isn't just for candy any more. Check out this link:  Peppermint and Irritable Bowel Syndrome .


Young Living Peppermint Oil
Here are some ways Peppermint Oil may be of benefit.
 Pat Brown ID # 1557435disclaimer: We are not doctors and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnosis, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.
Pat Brown ID# 1557435

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

SMILE and the Whole World Smiles with You

Smile And the World Smiles With You.
Smile And the World Smiles With You

But if you think about your smile being part of the dirtiest place on the body, you might be tempted to not smile.
"What!?" You exclaim. "I brush my teeth! - I use fluoride and a whitening toothpaste. I even use dental floss."

Guess what folks; brushing is Not enough. Are you sure your toothpaste is good for the health of your teeth and gums - and you? Check out this post > What's In Your Toothpaste?<

Keep reading for tips about keeping your smile bright.

Click here to order.> Great toothpaste for children.

Oil Pulling, Not Tooth Pulling <

Click here > Oil Pulling < for an article about oil pulling.

I looked at several articles - one mentioned that she did her oil pulling as she took her shower (but I don't remember which one). Seems like a good idea. That way you don't have to 'watch the clock'. 

Click below for more information about 
YL Essential Oils

Pat Brown ID# 1557435

disclaimer: We are not doctors and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.

What's in Your Toothpaste?

Do we really need little blue specks in our toothpaste?
What ARE those little blue specks?
Check here to find out >What Are Those Blue Specks?<

For a toothpaste without extra additives, take a look at these toothpastes found at www.Young


Children's toothpaste
pat brown's Id = 1557435                                                     None of this (or blue plastic).

Here's some Toothpastes for adults - and young adults.  

Thieves Aroma Bright Toothpaste: This premium, all-natural toothpaste is made with pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, including the cleansing benefits of Thieves essential oil blend. Its safe and effective formula provides a fortress of support for healthy gums, strong teeth, and a confident smile. It is the optimal choice for health-minded consumers.                      Smile And the World Smiles With You.dis

Oil Enthusiasts's Fun Fact: 
Did you know that some people use this as an under arm deoderant? It works great for detoxing the metals and parabens from the common, store bought deoderants. If you see a grey or black ring starting to form under your armpits - those are the metals coming out! How cool is that?!

For more information about keeping your smile bright go to this post.
Click here to order >Pat Brown ID 1557435<
disclaimer: We are not doctors and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.

Monday, September 15, 2014

"Happy Fall Y'all"

I Love the Fall - the excitement of pep rallies, football games, and cool, crisp air filled with the beautiful colors of falling leaves. Fun, family, and friends.   I tried to insert a video of some of the MPHS teachers performing at the pep rally, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. They actually did pretty good.  Picture in  your mind some of the antics your teachers did at pep rallies. Like I said, "Fun, family, and friends."

"Happy Fall Y'all"

Which scent puts the 'Happy' in your Fall?

Here is another aspect of fall in this Nat King Cole rendition of Autumn Leaves.  Enjoy.

For more information about the oils, message me or click on the link below. 
Pat Brown

Let your memory be your guide as you refresh your senses
 with these oils described on the blog below.

disclaimer: We are not doctors and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a  health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Stress Away or Peace & Calming

    Stress Away or Peace & Calming?

One Granddaughter Likes Stress Away

You say either (I-ther);

I say either  (E-ther).

Which will you choose?

Comment Below


Another likes Peace & Calmi

The effects are similar; I think it comes down to personal preference of the fragrance. 

Unfortunately you can't smell them over the computer, but here is a video you might be glad you watched. It is a YouTube recording from a Special Ed teacher. 

Young Living Home Diffuser - Kathy Sims Exclusive Interview - Scott and Brenda Schuler

I have also included a recipe for a Bath Salts. You can use either oil in it. Enjoy.

            For more information message me or check out the link below.

 My id# is 1557435

Pat Brown ID# 1557435

Disclaimer: We are not doctors & the statements & information on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Natural Antibiotic - Inner Defense

Inner Defense blend looks like a good one. I have a bottle of each of the oils listed, but I don't have them blended together. When you go to the doctor and he prescribes an antibiotic, here it is, a natural antibiotic already blended for you. 

Thieves is the first oil I was introduced to. My chiropractor would
have it diffusing in her office. I loved the smell of it and bought a bottle from her as well as a diffuser so I could use it at home. If I got a cold or sore throat, out came the Thieves. I got well quick since I would also rub it on the bottom of my feet. I would aIso put it on my neck, but it may be too hot for some people since it has cinnamon and cloves in it. Just rub some olive oil, almond oil, or the Young Living V6 oil on to dilute it a little (20/80) (p2.94). Thieves is another natural antibiotic, with an interesting story behind the name, but I'll save that for another post.

Oregano is a natural antibiotic with many medical properties:
antiaging, powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, and an immune stimulant. Not only that, but you can cook with it too, just be careful and not use too much - only a drop, and taste before adding more. Oregano is listed in Hildegard's Medicine, a compilation of early German medicines by highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard of Bingen (1098-
1179). (p2.69)

ThymeThyme (Thymus vulgaris) has a spicy, warm, herbaceous aroma that is both powerful and penetrating. Known since ancient times as a medicinal herb, thyme contains large amounts of thymol. As a dietary supplement, it is one of the strongest antioxidants known. Thyme supports the immune, respiratory, digestive, nervous, and other body systems.* Thyme may also be used to enhance the flavor of food. Thyme has an approximate ORAC of 159,590 (TE/L). TE/L is expressed as micromole Trolox equivalent per liter.

Thyme is one natural antibiotic that has been around for a while. It is mentioned in one of the oldest known medial records, the Ebers Papyrus (dating from 16th century B.C.). (p2.86)

Lemongrass along with Lemon Myrtle, Mountain Savory, Cinnamon, and Melissa essential oils have the highest levels if inhibitory activity against MRSA (staff infection).(p 6.20) This is important to me because one of my grandsons contracted a staff infection five times. Quite scary to me. The third or forth one was on his back, and he was advised to bathe in bleach water to help kill the infection. I gave my daughter some Thieves household cleaner and suggested that she put a capful in the tub instead of bleach. When diffused, Thieves is also highly effective against staff. So, by using Inner Defense, you have a natural antibiotic that can battle MRSA and Staphylococcus aureus. (p 6.20)

The medical facts in this post were taken from the Essential Oils Desk Reference, Special Fifth Edition.

For more information message me or click on the link: Pat Brown id# 1557435 below.
Pat Brown id# 1557435

Disclaimer: Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. A decision to use/not use this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Please see your doctor or health care professional for medical evaluation.

Friday, August 22, 2014



Forgiveness is not always easy, but if we want Forgiveness, we need to have Forgiveness for others just as Christ said, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." (Matthew 6:12).  

As we go through life, people sometimes hurt our feelings whether intentionally or not. If we hold this hurt in our heart, it can cause negative emotions which in turn cause us to act in negative ways and have negative memories which lead to a lot of negativity. All this negativity causes us to have health issues such as upset stomach, headaches, and worse. It makes me feel negative just writing about it, but the worst part about unforgivingness is found in (Matthew 6:15) "But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

The Essential Oil Forgiveness helps us release negative
emotions, allowing us to move past emotional barriers and attain higher awareness, assisting us to forgive and let go. (Essential Oil Desk Reference p 2.107) "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." (Matthew 6:14) Isn't it good to know that when we forgive others we will feel better emotionally and physically?

For more information, message me or click on the link: Pat Brown id# 1557435 below
Pat Brown id# 1557435

Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. A decision to use/not use this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Please see your doctor or health care professional for medical evaluation.
Have a great day.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Car Air Freshener vs Essential Oils

!Whew! Roll the Window Down. There's something rotten in here. Quick!  Go to the store
 and get an air freshener to hang on the rear view mirror. ,
There are so many to choose from, not only to look at, but also to smell. Hey, Sponge Bob, what
 am I breathing here? Smells pretty good. Unfortunately there is more to it than just a good smell.
 It could be -
 Shiver me timbers, a passel of toxins!

For Christmas, our granddaughter got her Papa a new air
freshener for his truck. Now, his truck didn't smell bad, but

she and her Papa like Duck Dynasty, so she got him a                Phil Robertson          Happy, Happy, Happy                   car air freshener.
Of course, they were both
Happy, Happy, Happy.
Me, too.

Unfortunately, car air fresheners contain toxins that aren't
good for you to breathe. I'm just waiting for the scent in the Happy, Happy, Happy to run out so I can
put a drop of essential oil on it. Then we can be Happy, Happy, Happy again.

What Essential Oil would you choose?  Comment below.

I chose Young Living Purification.
We recently went on a short trip and my husband got sick at his stomach. We
weren't sure if it was food poisoning or a virus. At any rate, I chose to put a
drop of Purification on a cotton ball and set it on the air vent while we were
driving back home. I know that Purification purifies the air, smells good, and
has no additives.  You could also put a drop of oil on a clothespin and clip it
to the vent.

#1557435 Pat Brown
tsOrder Products

Disclaimer: Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. A decision to use/not use this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Please see your doctor or health care professional for medical evaluation.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Brown Recluse vs Peppermint Oil

Brown Recluse spiders should remain reclusive.
    Nothing like kicking back in the recliner and having a cat nap.  When I woke up, I felt a tickle on my cheek. I thought it was a stray hair so as I started walking toward the kitchen, I brushed my hand across my cheek toward my hair to get that stray hair back in place. But it felt like something besides hair. Hmmm. By that time I had come to the kitchen counter, so I bent over a little and swatted my hair toward the counter two or three times. Imagine my surprise when I saw a big ol' spider.

    I grabbed a canning jar off the counter and turned it upside down over the spider. Then I slid a lid under it and put a ring on the jar after I dropped some alcohol in there. I thought it was a Brown Recluse, but in my mind, those spiders were outside in the shed, not in my house. I knew they could hide in dark, not frequently used places like storage closets, but I NEVER expected one to be on my recliner.

I turned the recliner over and sure  enough some funky looking webs were under there, so I vacuumed them off, got an empty spray bottle, and filled it with water and Young Living Peppermint Oil. I doused that chair good and felt like using amount in the photo above.  We moved the couch and everything, spraying as we went. I also sprinkled some Diatomaceous Earth on the carpet just in case that would help. I knew it was good to get rid of fleas (We have a small indoor dog. That's another story.), and safe for animals, so  I decided it might work for spiders too. Why not use it

  I carried the spider to the County Extension Office, and the agent told me it was the largest Brown Recluse he had seen. (Not the largest one ever found, just the largest he had seen.) He also said I did the right thing vacuuming the webs up. He recommended we spray in the carport and around the house with an insecticide. We did, but we'll probably use the Peppermint oil in the future.
I thought, "Yipes! No wonder I could see the fiddle so well."

(Just so you know, this is Not My finger.)

   Listen up all you moms, teachers, and camp leaders.  He also told me that if you want to keep a spider to show students, family, etc., put it in hand sanitizer instead of rubbing alcohol. Since children of all ages have a tendency to want to pick up the bottle and look at the spider, and some want to shake the bottle, the sanitizer is thicker and the spider will hold up better.

Young Living oils to the rescue. We have Peppermint! So, be prepared and have some Peppermint Oil on hand. It makes your house smell good and is good for your sinuses, too in addition to getting rid of Brown Recluse spiders. For more information on how to get some Peppermint Oil, message me or click on the ID link below. 

Pat Brown ID 15574

Disclaimer: Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. A decision to use/not use this information is the sole responsibility of the reader.  I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please see your doctor or healthcare professional for medical evaluation before using any natural or commercial remedies.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Making Your Own Natural Air Freshener and Oil Diffuser

Prevent Disease
 What's for dinner? Never mind, you don't have to tell me. I can smell it.  Some foods have a distinct odor that isn't always pleasant. Did that Apple Pie boil over and send up a little smoke in the oven? Am I the only one this has happened to?   Febreze to the rescue.   I have used this product and it made the room smell so much better. BUT, is it good for your lungs and the rest of your body? Click on Prevent Disease or on  the first link below to find out more about the toxins in Febreze and how to make your own Natural Air Freshener using Essential Oils. I have a friend who used plug-ins and Febreze to clean her air since her dogs were her family and lived in the house. She began to have lung problems because of the toxins in the plug-ins and other air fresheners. 

Febreze Chemicals vs Essential Oils
Which would you rather breathe?

    Essential Oils come in many fragrances for you to use in your natural air freshener.  Now, I confess, I probably won't be using vodka to make mine. I just googled 'can you use rubbing alcohol instead of vodka in a natural air freshener?' I clicked on the link that had both words in it.
* How-Natural-air-freshener-room-spray* said I can, so I'll use rubbing alcohol instead of vodka. Here's the link.  Well, it's the 2nd one down. (I'll learn how do it the way I want it to show up pretty soon I hope. Meanwhile, Check it out.) You decide. Essential Oils or toxic chemicals?

For more information message me or click on Pat Brown id# 1557435

Pat Brown id# 1557435

Disclaimer: Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. A decision to use/not use this information is the sole responsibility of the reader.  I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please see your doctor or healthcare professional for medical evaluation before using any natural or commercial remedies.