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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

DIY VapoRub

DIY VapoRub

Being crafty is fun so DIY your VapoRub since VicksVapoRub causes problems. Research published in the peer-reviewed journal of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), found that it can  interfere with the ability of infants and toddlers to breathe. Click on' Vicks VapoRub causes problems' to read the article. 

There is more than one Eucalyptus Oil to use. Which one will you choose?

 Click here:Pat Brown ID# 1557435

to order your young living essential oils message me or go to & click on the wholesale button. My Independent distributor # is 1557435 which goes in the sponsor and enroller boxes. Scroll down and click on the Premium Starter Kit (best value - about 1/2 price). You get 11 oils, a diffuser, and samples. However, you will need to order a bottle of Eucalyptus since it doesn't come in the kit. Continue to scroll down under the PSK  until you get to the Essenial Rewards kits. You can skip this step for now by clicking on the No, thank you button. Agree to Terms & Conditions. Be sure and Confirm your order. Before checking out you can order your Eucalyptus. When your oils come in you are ready to mix up your own VapoRub.  I like DIY. 
My neighbor likes Vicks VapoRub. I think I'll DIY some for her as well as my family.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor & the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Pease consult your doctor or a health care practioner before usingany natural or commercial remedies.

2015 Goals

Goals for 2015

 One of my goals is to be able to create great graphics like this.

Thank you LemonDropper for creating it. 
Pat Brown ID# 1557435

  Goals are important. Every year I make a New Year's resolution, but I don't seem to be able to keep it. 2015 will be different because I shall set some goals and reach them with the help of Young Living oils. Looks like I have several of these oils already to help me reach my 2015 goals. Click on my name & ID# to find out how to get your oils and reach your 2015 goals.

  1. 2015 goals here I come. 
  2.  I don't know about you, but I need to loose a few pounds that found me during Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
  3.  I'm a member of TRTA (Texas Retired Teacher Assoc.); it encourages volunteering. Don't be a couch potato, go help someone - there are many ways: food, card, phone call, visit, Pink Lady at the hospital, read to/with someone, Titus County Cares, local organizations, Young Living, and the list goes on. Also, we help others when we share knowledge and oils. 
  4. I don't smoke, but it's good to know what oils may help a person quit. However, we are occasionally exposed to second hand smoke.
  5. My motto as a teacher is that you never stop learning, and I haven't. Do you know everything there is to know about Young Living Oils? I don't, but it surely is fun and interesting learning about them. Guess what. We are all teachers!
  6. When I retired, someone told me not to retire, but to redirect. What better direction than Young Living?
    Click here; Pat Brown ID# 1557435
  7. I'm pretty sure we all enjoy saving money. Aren't you glad Young Living has an Essential Rewards program to help you save money, earn free oils, and earn points to save up for more free products? Wow! Thank you Young Living. 
  8. Anybody have a stress free life? I don't, so we can surely put those oils to good use.
  9. Hoo Boy, do I feel miserable when I overindulge in sweets. I get the do nothings and feel blah - and my clothes shrink. Not a happy camper. Definitely need to eat healthier and get fit. The kiddos gave my husband an exercise bike for Father's Day. I think I hear it calling my name. I wonder if I can scoot the seat up and type while I'm riding. Maybe not, but I'll bet I can read - lots of great reading to learn more about Young Living. I'll have to figure out how to scoot the seat up first - maybe get a big cushioned tractor seat. I'll let you know how it works out.
    Click here: Pat Brown ID# 1557435
  10. Aargh. (I looked up on  - see you never stop learning. LOL) Anyway, that is how I feel about reducing debt - aargh. Sometimes it seems impossible, but We Can Do It. Are you with me? One way is by getting your oils wholesale instead of retail. 
  11. Are you ready to Take A Vacation???? After all, all work and no play isn't good for you. We must remember, though, that all play and no work isn't good for you either. So, strike a happy balance and go for the goal of a fantastic vacation. Ecuador or France anyone? You can also take your pick from farms in Peru, Israel, Oman, Taiwan, or four in the United States.
2014 has been an eventful year - looking forward to 2015 and reaching my goals.
Click the link below to begin reaching your 2015 goals.
click here: Pat Brown ID# =1557435

click here: Pat Brown ID# =1557435
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor & the statements on this blog have not been evalluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.