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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Ready to Quit Smoking?

We all know smoking is not healthy for us, 

those around us, or the environment. 

Ready to Quit?

My mother learned the hard way that smoking is not healthy for us. Her sore throat wouldn't go away so she went to her doctor to get it checked out. Ouch! There was something growing in the roof of her
mouth. The surgeon explained to us that he would cut out "the part that Tweety Bird hangs on to when Sylvester swallows him".  He then had to take cheek and esophagus tissue to rebuild the roof of her mouth. Imagine your sorest sore throat and magnify that by about 1,000 times. She had a feeding tube run through her nose- which irritated her nose - down her throat since she wouldn't be able to eat for a while because of the surgery. Also there was considerable swelling, so she had to have a tracheotomy in order to breathe and talk. Pain on top of pain. She told me that I wasn't any good at charades when I didn't always understand what she was trying to tell me. She would give up and write it down. Sorry, Mother. She did get better, but life was not the same. Please don't do that to yourself. Quit smoking, or better yet, don't start.

 Secondhand smoke isn't healthy either. I made a decision to not smoke since I had been around it when I was growing up. Imagine my surprise when I found a lump that had to be removed, followed by intense medication and radiation. I said, no way, I don't smoke. Yes way. Secondhand smoke does its damage, too.  Like my mother, I got better, but life is not the same. Still, I'm glad I had my surgery and not hers. Please, don't do that to others with your secondhand smoke.

Have you gone to a restaurant or an outdoor event, been enjoying yourself, when all of a sudden, your throat closes up on you? What happened? Someone was smoking and the wind shifted so that you were breathing the environmental smoke. It has happened to me before. Also, when my mother was a smoker, you could walk into the house and know a smoker lived there. The smell got in clothes, hair, the curtains, - everything in the house. She collected Avon bottles for a while, gave some away to friends and relatives, and gave the rest of them to me.  I took pictures of them, found out what they were worth, and put together a photo album of sorts. I thought (don't ask me where these different sized fonts came from because I don't know. I tried correcting it, but nothing happened. Oh, well.)

GASP.ORG.UK sells resources about smoking.
 I liked this graphic for the subject of this blog.
she might like for me to do that. While I was cataloging them, I noticed that there was sticky nicotine residue even on the ones that hadn't been opened. Smoking is not good for the environment either.

Click here: Pat Brown ID # 1557435

If you are interested in quitting smoking, perhaps Essential Oils can help. Check out this graphic. Thank you for creating it. One of my goals this year is to learn how to create graphics. If your goal is to quit smoking, I hope these tips help.  Happy New Year and Good Luck with reaching your goal of No More Smoking. To order these and other oils, click on the link above.  

disclaimer:I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.

remember: to get these oils mentioned plus other oils, samples, and a diffuser for about half price, click here: Pat Brown ID# 1557435 Keep the wholesale button checked, scroll down and choose the Premium Starter Kit for $150. You get 11 oils, a roller ball, diffuser, samples and information. You can click 'No, thank you' for the Essential Reward at this time, but I went ahead and got on ER because it is the best way to get some of your oils free. I chose the NingXia Red ER kit because my granddaughter and I take it daily - very high in antioxidants. There are other kits to choose from. Looking forward to having you join the YL Family and using these oils for you and your family.

Good luck to all who wish to stop smoking.