Smile And the World Smiles With You.
Smile And the World Smiles With You |
But if you think about your smile being part of the dirtiest place on the body, you might be tempted to not smile.
"What!?" You exclaim. "I brush my teeth! - I use fluoride and a whitening toothpaste. I even use dental floss."
Guess what folks; brushing is Not enough. Are you sure your toothpaste is good for the health of your teeth and gums - and you? Check out this post > What's In Your Toothpaste?<
Keep reading for tips about keeping your smile bright.
Click here to order.> Great toothpaste for children. |
> Oil Pulling, Not Tooth Pulling < |
Click here > Oil Pulling < for an article about oil pulling.
I looked at several articles - one mentioned that she did her oil pulling as she took her shower (but I don't remember which one). Seems like a good idea. That way you don't have to 'watch the clock'.
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YL Essential Oils
Pat Brown ID# 1557435
disclaimer: We are not doctors and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.
disclaimer: We are not doctors and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your doctor or a health care practitioner before using any natural or commercial remedies.