Brown Recluse spiders should remain reclusive.
I carried the spider to the County Extension Office, and the agent told me it was the largest Brown Recluse he had seen. (Not the largest one ever found, just the largest he had seen.) He also said I did the right thing vacuuming the webs up. He recommended we spray in the carport and around the house with an insecticide. We did, but we'll probably use the Peppermint oil in the future.
I thought, "Yipes! No wonder I could see the fiddle so well."

(Just so you know, this is Not My finger.)
Listen up all you moms, teachers, and camp leaders. He also told me that if you want to keep a spider to show students, family, etc., put it in hand sanitizer instead of rubbing alcohol. Since children of all ages have a tendency to want to pick up the bottle and look at the spider, and some want to shake the bottle, the sanitizer is thicker and the spider will hold up better.

Young Living oils to the rescue. We have Peppermint! So, be prepared and have some Peppermint Oil on hand. It makes your house smell good and is good for your sinuses, too in addition to getting rid of Brown Recluse spiders. For more information on how to get some Peppermint Oil, message me or click on the ID link below.
Pat Brown ID 15574 |
Disclaimer: Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. A decision to use/not use this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please see your doctor or healthcare professional for medical evaluation before using any natural or commercial remedies.